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Caroline Huey

Associate Professor of German

Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin

Office: Griffin 438


Teaching and Research Areas

Early Modern Studies; Literary Theory; Cinema; German literary history; Twenty-first century Germanophone authors from around the world; German immigration and the German immigrant experience in New Orleans in the Antebellum Era

Caroline Huey


Research interests include German communities in antebellum New Orleans, with a particular focus on Germanophone literary production of that time, Twentieth-Century German Film, and Early Modern carnival plays and surrounding culture. Dr. Huey is the author of Hans Folz and Print Culture in Late Medieval Germany: The Creation of Popular Discourse (Routledge 2012, 2017), entries in the Routledge Medieval Encyclopedia Online and Medieval Germany: An Encyclopedia, as well as numerous conference papers on Early Modern culture, New Orleans German immigrant Culture, and German Twentieth-Century Film. Her current projects include study of a serial novel published in New Orleans in 1853, Die Geheimnisse von New Orleans (The Mysteries of New Orleans), and how structure and content imply social realities for New Orleans’ antebellum immigrant and enslaved population.