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Gaëtan Brulotte

Board of Regents Humanities Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair

Ph.D., École des hautes études en sciences sociales & Université Denis-Diderot (Paris VII)

Office: Griffin 430
Phone: 337-482-9071


Teaching and Research Areas

Eighteenth-century, twentieth-century, and twenty-first century French and Francophone literature; Québec literature; Erotic literature; short story; critical theory


Gaëtan Brulotte is the Board of Regents Humanities Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair and Professor of Francophone Studies at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, as well as Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, French and Francophone Studies, University of South Florida at Tampa. He is the author of fifteen books, both fiction and scholarship. His fiction has been widely translated and anthologized, and he has tried to bring "fresh air" into the literary scene through innovation. As a scholar, he has published extensively on 18th-c., 20th-c., and 21st-c. French and Francophone Literature (especially Quebec Literature), as well as on marginalized French literary genres (such as the Erotic & the short story).

He was recently awarded the Prix Grand Diplômé de l’Université Laval-Série Les Remarquables 2021.

Dernières parutions/Latest book publications :
​-Nulle part qu’en haut désir (Carnet d’écrivain, 2021, 193p.)
-Œuvres de chair. Figu​res du discours érotique. Rééd. remaniée en poche et en numérique (2021, 860p.+ XIXp.)

View Dr. Brulotte's full Curriculum Vitae.